My sweet 14th Birthday '' 09
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Sweet 14th Birthday '09
This year I really understand what a birthday really is all about. I invited friends to come to my party its not because I wan't birthday gifts, but its because I wan't to spend my once in year birthday with my friends & family together.
This year really made me realize that I should be very thankful because I have friends and family that care about me so much. It like I was really touched by those who wished me 'Happy Birthday'. I really did not understand why I got this feeling like I feel so happy and touched until I feel like crying.
Well I had my birthday party on 26th September 2009, 2 days before my real birthday. It was really a busy day because I had St.John duty in the morning till 5p.m actually. Then suddenly I decided to throw a party so I had to rush and ask my senior to allow me tot go home at 3p.m. Lucky me that my senior allowed me to go home earlier.
On that day before I reached home, guests started coming. And I reach I need to do this do that so rush and when I wan't to shower its like not nice cause my guests was there. But they are guys and guess what they found something to do=) They were playing play-station 2 hahaxD
After I took a bath, I got ready and all my friends started coming so it was fun. But sad too because I had to open the door non stop=) And we played PS2 and all. Later on some of them played twister and everything was GONE. What I mean by gone was that the girls in cantonese is called "Zao Guang" and guys their underwear and boxers were everywherexD.
After that we had dinner out side which is BBQ. And we enjoyed the food ---- well at last I did. And we chat and talk and laugh. It was wonderful.
At night we blowed the candle and it was all wonderful. I praise the Lord for that. And after the whole party, I sat down and was thinking. I realize I was really lucky that I had a party every year. This is because not everybody gets to celebrate their birthday. Especially at over seas there are so many people out there suffering and dying. I really thank God so much for all I have!
Karaoke Day!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Today I went to Curve to hang out with my friends! Jeanette, Chun Yik and Cheng Yik was there. We went to Readbox around 10 something and sang like kids in the room! It was fun I have to admit =) Haha well hope there will be a next time! After we finish singing we went to Mc Donald to have lunch, there we were arguing who was more stupid or dumb and the looser was Chun Yik and maybe Jeanette..... No offence Jeanette if you are reading this hahahaxD.
We went and watch "G-Force"! OMG The small little things that look like hamsters were so adorable! Haha well the show was entertaining and funny too! After the show we went around the book store to act like smart and high class people I guess hahaha!
Then Jeanette suddenly said her mum coming need to go home, so she said bye and ran to the entrance. So Cheng Yik, Chun Yik and I came out and wandering everywhere..... then walk half way already Chun Yik - appears to be the smartest one forgot he gave his wallet to Jeanette to keep. And he said:"Shit! I left my wallet with Jeanette" he faster call her and asked and ran to her hahaha!
Well then we went across to Ikano and to Popular and I manage to buy a geografi book. It was fun today! Hope we could have this times next time! hahaha Thats all for now, if you wan to say anything just leave a message on my MSN box haha!xD
The second sadest day on 13th Sep 2009!
Thursday, September 17, 2009

I will never forget the first time I was so sad that i kept on crying and crying and crying. That was like 2 years ago when my grandmother passed away. That was the first sad day la I guess.... Well the second time I was so sad was just last Sunday 13th September 2009. I will never ever forget that day! That day my family & I came to a decision of sending our beloved dog - Max away to paws because we can no longer handle him. If was hard for me to accept, it felt like I was giving one of my love ones away and it really really hurts deep down inside.
Max has been with us for i think 2 years, his birthday was close already but now his not here anymore..... well Max was a good watched dog thats one thing. The problem is he is afraid of thunder and fireworks. For thunder we should blame boys like girls making them dont we?xD Just kiding=)
Well what is done has been done, but the worst part of sending him away is when he was in the car going to Paws..... He was just sitting there quitely looking outside the window wondering where are we bringing him to.... It really hurts..... And when we reach to Paws, it was even worst... cause when I look into his eyes.... It was full of fearfulness, loneliness, scared and nobody he knows....
All I can do now is just to pray so that God will always be with him so that he would not be lonely!xD Thank you Lord for being with him. THANK YOU!xD